Mortar and Pestle - traditionally used to blend herbal ingredients for tinctures, balms and salves.
@Bridges to Wellbeing
Naturopathy aims to support the health and wellbeing of a person through diet, herbal and nutritional supplements. At Bridges to Wellbeing (found in McLaren Vale, Mount Barker and Port Elliot) you can learn about the multi dimensions which makes up health through Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Environmental, Spiritual and Energetic needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Naturopathy aims to support the body’s own healing responses. With a ‘Do No Harm’ principle and an evidence based medicine approach Naturopathy at Bridges to Wellbeing aims to complement any current treatment or assist the body in achieving its own sense of wellbeing.
Herbs can communicate with and support the body in unique ways when compared to conventional medicine. As an example there are multiple herbs which can support the adrenal glands which can either boost energy, sooth out anxieties or give enduring support. Naturopathy understands that everyone experiences health in unique ways so no treatment will be the same. Having a trained professional tailor-make the treatment to your needs may give that extra support to get back on top of its own wellbeing.
Herbal and nutritional supplements are important to be respected. These medicines can often have positive impact on the body, however because it is often used within therapeutic dosages, medicinal interactions with conventional medications and diagnosed conditions should always be considered.
Both Herbs and Nutrients have an effect on the body just like conventional medicine. For this reason it is always important to check the foods, teas and natural supplements are not interacting with your medications. Yes, even Grapefruit can interact with your medication!
Within Australia Naturopaths are self regulated by associations which represent the natural heath industry within the governmental system. To ensure you are seeing a trained professional you can ask for their credential background and if they are associated with any representative groups.
As of April 2019, the government passed down decisions where rebates cant be given for a range of natural health care supports including Naturopathy. However due to the exclusion criteria and the large amounts of evidence based medicine utilised within naturopathic practise a re-evaluation is currently in process. Here’s hoping Naturopaths will be reinstated once again!